Dr. Felix Brizuela is Head of Outpatient Clinic and Statistics at the San Pablo Maternity Hospital and now coordinator of the new Espacio Ñangareko, inaugurated on 11 March. He points out that almost 100% of teenage pregnancies are unplanned, and with the opening of this new space, the aim is prevention and health promotion through continuous training and the provision of available planning methods. “The idea is to offer prevention to our adolescent women who generally come to us with an unplanned pregnancy”. 

Brizuela reports that the adolescent area of the San Pablo Hospital had a relatively inconsistent functioning, firstly because of the pandemic and secondly because of the lack of a physical space. In terms of care at the San Pablo Maternity and Children’s Hospital, more than 20% of births correspond to adolescent pregnancies and 17% of maternal mortality in Paraguay, which means that adolescent pregnancy constitutes a risk, which is why it is essential to make more serious efforts in the area of adolescent sexual and reproductive health care, with a focus on women.

We share an audiovisual with the narration of Dr. Brizuela about the expectations of Nangareko’s opening at the San Pablo Hospital.

Dr. Felix Brizuela is the Head of Outpatient Clinic and Statistics at the San Pablo Maternity Hospital