The Global Pandemic has affected the working life of the whole of humanity, causing the need for adaptation in every one of the face to face activities in which we would normally engage.
As a Foundation which collaborates within the Health spectrum, focusing primarily on strengthening the capabilities of our office staff, we reacted rapidly in order to fulfill our 2020 training plans, adapting them to online education. Regular and routine training, together with workshops and congresses were all designed for adaptation to a digital mode.
The coordinators of both the Preeclampsia Challenge and the Adolescence Programme have organized Webinar events with the clear objective of imparting the most up -to-date knowledge available. We have always worked within the framework of the previously established planning, in this most unusual year. The impact produced by these webinars was of great significance at both a national and international level.
In order to meet high standards, information was provided to professionals, from home and abroad, with a long and established trajectory.
The first webinar, aimed at professionals from the Gynecology and Obstetrics field, was led by the renowned Prof. Dr. Paulino Vigil-De Gracia, from Panama. Recognized as a high-level speaker and lecturer by his professional colleagues, he is a reference point in Latin America as a specialist in Fetal Maternal medicine. His presentation discussed “Preeclampsia Diagnosis in Covid-19 Times and the Management of Hypertensive Disorders during Pregnancy”.
Another of the webinars focused on Adolescent Sexual Health and Reproduction in times of Covid 19. Here the current national situation was revealed and professionals working with adolescents from throughout the country were invited. The event was supported by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPyBS). There was a clear necessity to discuss the threat posed by the current pandemic to these adolescents and the vulnerability of their situation, together with how to bring about more effective responses by ensuring access to Health Care services.
The following webinar about Preeclampsia was led by the also renowned Prof. Dra. Liliana Voto, from Argentina. She spoke about “Prediction and Prevention of Preeclampsia”. Dr. Voto has received recognition, through awards and distinctions for her contribution to education, research and science, at both national and international level. She is the author of the book “Hypertension and Pregnancy”, published in June 2020, and other contributions to various scientific publications.
In October we received the participation of the well-known Chilean Infant and Juvenile Gynecologist, Dra. Andrea Huneeus. Together with two colleagues, she presented the topic, “An Update of Sexual Health and Adolescent Reproduction in 2020”.
Also, in October the “Preeclampsia Challenge” presented the webinar, “The Importance and Utility of Biochemical Markers in Preeclampsia”. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Jesid Miranda, from Colombia, was our guest Speaker.
The webinars were transmitted through the official accounts of FJRE, on Youtube and Facebook, generating new followers and subscribers. On every one of these webinars, as well as national professionals, we had participation from interested medical staff from many different countries, who interacted with questions and furthermore gave their thanks and congratulations on the organization of the events.