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Dr. Nils Wytzes visited us during the last week of May and spent days of intense training in the Service of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hospital de Clínicas.
The sessions included: “Update on basic concepts on detection, prevention and treatment of preeclampsia”, as well as “Vital Support for newborns”. Both sessions were addressed to resident doctors. For this last workshop we had the generous loan of the models used by Dr. Daniel Ramalho within the Red Code program.
Dr. Gustavo Brítez conducted the training in “Update on basic concepts on detection, prevention and treatment of preeclampsia” aimed at Obstetricians who are part of the group of professionals who will be incorporated very soon to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service. This training will be continued until the entire group of around 40 professionals is reached.
“For the colleagues it was an excellent experience in the didactic approach of training for the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia of the pregnant patients who come to our services” said Lic. Cleide Ribas, Head of the Department of Obstetrics Hospital de Clinicas.
During the same week we received the visit of Julia Duvall and Elizabeth Wood, American students of medicine, who very actively supported the training efforts carried out.
Since May, the FJRE has begun an approach with the Loma Pyta Hospital, of the Ministry of Public Health network. We have visited the Hospital, gathering data that will guide us in the direction that our collaboration will take, to maximize the impact, taking advantage of the existing strengths.
As a first step, we have donated supplies that will help improve the care of patients who attend the area of Gynecology and Obstetrics, consisting of a fetal monitor, pulse oximeters, tensiometers, thermometers, scales and ultrasonic dopplers. We accompanied the donation with a training session in the use of these supplies.
We expect to expand the collaboration with Loma Pyta, starting with the implementation of the project of detection, prevention and treatment of preeclampsia.
“I am grateful to the Juan Rassmuss Foundation for giving us the opportunity to strengthen and improve the health of our patients”, said Dr. Gloria Ortiz, Head of the Department of Gynecology at the Loma Pyta Hospital.
On June 1 and 2, the FJRE organized a Workshop on “Project Management in the Health Area”, which had 30 invited participants, from different departments: Ministry of Public Health, Dean’s Office of the Medicine Career UNA, Obstetric-Gynecology Service Hospital Clinicas, Loma Pyta Hospital, and Military Hospital.
“Very good experience, instructors with thorough knowledge, who kept the audience excited. We learnt a lot of apparently simple things, and how to really take advantage of our daily activities” said Dr. Liz Navarro, Head of Residents Gynecology Service, Hospital de Clínicas.
The instructors were invited from Chile: Prof. Álvaro Albornoz Bueno from Universidad del Desarrollo, Prof. Felipe García from Universidad Andrés Bello and Prof. Rodolfo Torres from Universidad Alberto Hurtado.