octubre 11, 2019
Paraguay Paraguay

The 1stHealth Day: “Avoidable Maternal Deaths by Preeclampsia in Paraguay”took place on the 13thof September by the Juan Rassmuss Echecopar Foundation. More than four hundred health professionals from around the country were present, with the objective of learning more about prevention of this disease. The event was opened by the President of the Foundation Joanne Avery and the Minister of Health, Dr. Julio Daniel Mazzoleni Insfrán. 

Joanne Avery explained how the Foundation collaborates in Paraguay: “We began with monthly preeclampsia update sessions and this is our first large-scale event.  We implement specific specific programs in hospitals. As a Foundation we have set ourselves to contribute to this national challenge of reducing maternal and child mortality in Paraguay. Today we share knowledge among the medical community and the general public regarding this condition”. 

The Minister of Health stated that it is a fundamental event, “one of the Ministry’s priorities is maternal and child health and will probably continue to be the most important of all in the context of this grave problem. We still have very bad indexes in terms of maternal and child deaths, despite all the efforts that have been made”.  Mazzoleni explained that this illness can also result in premature babies and this problematic must be addressed. “These kinds of events, together with Ministry policies and guidelines, are very important to change our reality”. 

International speakers such as Dr. Mauro Parra and Dr. Álvaro Sepúlveda arrived from Santiago de Chile to transfer knowledge regarding the vanguard in prevention and early detection of preeclampsia. 

Nationally renowned medical experts provided an overview regarding the current situation of our country, amongst them Dr Ramón Bataglia, who presented local experiences of preeclampsia. 

Dr. Daniel Ramalho, medical advisor of the Ministry Head of Health Programs, presented key aspects of the Paraguayan regulations regarding preeclampsia. As for Dr. Gustavo Brítez, he spoke about the Preeclampsia Challenge developed by the Juan Rassmuss Echecopar Foundation.

The Foundation has been actively working on raising awareness of this condition, and wishes to join the medical community, organizations, companies and citizenship to the challenge of preventing deaths by preeclampsia. 

Complications due to Preeclampsia are, to this day, one of the main causes of maternal morbidity and mortality in Paraguay.

Minister of Health, Dr. Julio Daniel Mazzoleni Insfrán
Staff FJRE
Dr. Mauro Parra, key speaker
Dr. Juan Seclen – OPS/OMS key speaker
Dr. Ramón Bataglia – key speaker
Joanne Avery, Juan Enrique Rassmuss, Katherine Young, Dra. Carol Lole – Harris