The preeclampsia challenge and adolescence program expand

abril 13, 2020
Paraguay Paraguay

The partnership between the Foundation and the District Hospital of Lambaré began with great enthusiasm, being the third Ministry of Health Public Hospital to join the Challenge. Approximately 8.000 pregnant women attend the hospital per annum, of which 2.000 are estimated to be at high risk of developing preeclampsia. 

On the 20th of February, the first prenatal consultations took place in the Preeclampsia Challenge Program, with the previous theoretical and practical training sessions of doctors, midwives and nurses regarding prevention and early detection of preeclampsia. The arrival and initial implementation of the Preeclampsia Challenge involved a change in paradigms for the health professionals on many levels. Health professionals took advantage, in a positive manner, of the new partnership to manage together with the hospital authorities, the renovation of the consultancy and waiting room for pregnant patients. The Hospital achieved a modern and remodelled prenatal care area with excellent facilities. In spite of the lack of resources public health centres usually have, the team of health professionals proved to be good articulators and the project initiated successfully. The city of Lambaré has a large population of approximately 180.000 inhabitants. The hospital also receives patients from other cities and nearby districts. 


Regarding the adolescence project, visits to Family Units in the Capital and Central region have proved to be of vital importance for capacity building of health professionals working in these regions; since achieving close communication between family units and their reference hospitals still remains a challenge. On the other hand, during the visits the high demand for information regarding sub dermic implants emerged, highlighting the need for opportune and appropriate counselling to adolescents who attend these community services.