The Preeclampsia Project expands to San Pablo Hospital

abril 16, 2019
Paraguay Paraguay

“Making early interventions to reduce maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality caused by this pathology, is the great challenge we have”, Amada Rodríguez – medical director.

The San Pablo Hospital of Asunción will soon receive the collaboration of the Juan Rassmuss Echecopar Foundation with the implementation of the Preeclampsia Project. Amada Rodríguez, medical director of the Hospital commented about the expectations:

¿How do you see the collaboration of the Juan Rassmuss Echecopar Foundation, with the arrival of the Preeclampsia project at the San Pablo Hospital?

Thanks to the Foundation, we will have the opportunity to carry out research related to this frequent pathology in the country, which is a cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The expectation is to be able to intervene opportunely, thanks to the results, in order to reduce the maternal / fetal morbidity / mortality produced by this pathology.

¿What is the estimated data in relation to women who come to the San Pablo hospital with a high risk of developing Preeclampsia?

With regard to the data of high-risk patients, we do not have such registry, but we estimate that they would be around 25% of all our patients.

¿Do you think that with the implementation of the project we can generate awareness and reduce cases of pre-eclampsia?

We believe that all collaboration with a solid and scientific basis will generate results that raise awareness. I believe that with the opportune handling of the pathologies, complications will be highly reduced.

Dr. Amada Rodríguez